Imagine living in a community where you can grow your own food, handle your own waste, and create your own energy. Everything is connected to everything and nothing goes to waste. What you consume, produce, and dispose of is all a part of a closed-loop system that is designed to be fully self-sufficient, off-grid, and sustainable.

If that sounds at all like we just described the setting of a futuristic movie, it’s not. That’s what one innovative development company, ReGen Villages, has in the works for a real-estate development in Amsterdam. And it’s just one example of what we talk about when we talk about the future of developments.

It’s been said that by 2050, nearly 10-billion people will be living on the planet. That’s 10 billion people consuming the Earth’s natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable. It’s difficult to imagine the repercussions of our actions when the future is 45 years away, but the reality is: we are approaching a drastic threshold.

rareEarth built its philosophy for project marketing around progressive, forward thinking values. It’s naïve to think that we, as a city and society, can continue living without repercussions. Which is why when we partner with new development projects, we approach it with critical questions: how will this impact the community in a positive way? What is this project doing to help make a difference?

Communities that incorporate efficient ideas aren’t just trends anymore and eco-friendly isn’t just a buzzword. These are vital amenities that need to be incorporated into your development plans. Not only are they forward thinking ideas, they’re smart planning for your projects; clever marketing tools to engage with your home owners, many of whom are young, new home buyers.

In the next 30 years, the demand for integrated neighbourhood designs will have grown exponentially. So when we talk about the future of developments, we’re really talking about now.

Whether that’s taking a page from ReGen and creating desirable, off-grid capable communities, or using the latest clean technology, like solar heating and cooling, rainwater recycling for gardening systems, or recycled materials– there are near endless possibilities these days to create stunning, eco-friendly buildings, even when your budget is small. And every progressive concept you incorporate into your projects is one step we need to be taking to help cities redefine what developments are.

Our cities are more connected than ever before – we are able to live more socially responsible lives. Our developments should reflect that. When we produce progressive solutions, we invest in communities that are actively carving a sustainable future, not just for ourselves, but for the generations to come. Residential-homes, mutli-family homes, and business infrastructures need to incorporate innovative ideas that push boundaries and get people talking, thinking, and moving towards new ways of building. It’s smart planning, it’s urban transcendence, and it’s a step in the future of sustainable, impactful developments.